MORE on God's glory with a subordinate end of losing weight
I have to say that I'm encouraged that I'm not alone. Thank you sisters for your notes and emails and comments ........and I've been thinking more about this......because food is a daily activity that God has deemed fit to keep me thinking on Him.......he's a creative creator isn't He....infinitely wise and all?
My latest thoughts are sort of ambiguous....but come from conversations from some friends and a husband who happen to be very .....'task oriented' people. (thank God for them, seriously, because without them this world would be chaos)
But when it comes to my heart before the Lord on this's......not a 'list' me it can't be........
In a recent discussion with my patient husband.....(because I am an external processor)
I discovered that the reason that I dislike strict weight loss / weight training regimens is because it takes the freedom out of it.....the joy and the reality of being utterly dependant on Christ for help moment by moment. For me, it is SO EXTREMELY freeing to know that I am no longer a SLAVE to sin to obey it's lusts, but that I am free to live for Christ.
I have the freedom to NOT obey my flesh. DUDE!
That............., just makes me want to skip. brb :)
Seriously though.....if you think about how you have the choice to disobey God, and think of all that He has done for your wicked self.....and then to look at an orange and be just dumbfounded by it's construction. (threads of juicy goodness if you look close enough) Or a banana.....I've heard someone talk about it as just genius and it's true. Comes in a wrapper that is bio degradable that also tells you when the fruit is ready to be eaten.....fits nicely into most human hands.
Compare that to trying to rejoice in God through eating riboflavin or maltodextrin!!
He's removed the wrath from our heads, freed us from the curse of the law and given us amazing foods that grow out of the ground to eat and be thankful and rejoice in the GIVER of all good things.
My skin is the only thing keeping me from going everywhere at once here..........legalism is dead.....God reigns and loves and provides.......
All I'm saying that it's a GOD thing. Life is a GOD thing.....and changes and the unexpected happen....and learning to roll with the punches ...(to gain a disposition that loves righteousness and will choose it over sin at the drop of a hat) is my hearts GOAL.
My discussion with the dearest detailed friends of mine.....I've learned that they tend to be very routine in most things they do. Routine is good, don't get me wrong.....but there is a danger as Ozzie Chambers says when he speaks about our devotions. Quiet times are at certain times of day, for a certain extended amount of time, reading a certain amount of scripture, and praying in a methodical order.
Order is good, as my husband reminded me, but my point is that if we have our quiet time just to 'check off' on our list that we've accomplished it....BUT it has NOT made us more tender more lovingly obedient (joy) and more in love with Jesus, than WHAT IS THE POINT!!!???
It gets dangerous when your quiet time is not quality time to meet with Jesus, it is your hour with your habit. Hence, relationships are spontaneous...and spring from love and desire.
Don't desire God ? I know a great book for you..........that may be where to start for some.
So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you all for the Glory of God.
My goal is God Himself, at any cost, my dear Lord.
May He be our peace.
Up out,